Reading residents have praised Sainsbury’s after their decision to add more self-service tills in the town centre store.

Sainsbury’s Superstore on Broad Street is located opposite the Oracle and caters to hundreds of shoppers every day.

Over the years Sainsbury’s has seen multiple changes within its stores including the introduction of exit scanners to prevent shoplifters and the transformation to an almost fully self-service system.

According to shoppers at the store on Broad Street, there has been a general positive view of the gradual change to the self-service method of shopping.

A Reading resident, Lalidh, who frequents the store every week said: “I like using self-service because it makes me feel free."

The 60-year-old shopper stated that he feels that shopping is a lot easier and less hassle.

Following the decision to include more self-service tills, multiple check-out desks have been removed to make way for customers who need more room at the check-out.

There are currently still two in-person check-out tills in the store and are available for those who are unable to use the self-service system or prefer a face-to-face approach. 

Three friends who were shopping in Sainsbury’s on Sunday evening also stopped to speak to the Chronicle about their experience with self-service.

Sarai David said: “I love it because I don’t feel the pressure to buy things that I might change my mind about at the checkout. If I get to the till and don’t want it I feel free to put it back.”

In comparison to other Sainsbury’s superstores, the shop in Broad Street in Broad Street has limited space with fewer products than other stores across the town.

There is also a Sainsbury’s on Friar Street which offers more room and a greater supply of products.