Reading Chronicle - Memorials

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Death Notice

Denise Small

Published on 17/10/2019

SMALL Denise Anita 'Auntie' Passed away peacefully on 15th September 2019, aged 73 Years. Reunited with her beloved son, Jason. Dearly loved Wife of Leroy. Adored Mum of Leslie, Wonderful Nan of Shanice, Thai and Di-Nero, she will be deeply missed by everyone who knew her. The Funeral Service will be held in The Globe, Portman Road on Friday 25th October at Mid-day, followed by a burial in Henley Road Cemetery at 2.15pm. All enquiries c/o Miles & Daughters Funeral Directors, Tamela House, 157-161, Caversham Road, Reading. RG1 8BB. Tel: 0118 9590022.


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