Reading Chronicle - Memorials

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Death Notice

Diane Piner

Published on 31/10/2019

PINER Diane "Di" (née Rose) Passed away suddenly on 20th October 2019 aged 60 years. Now reunited with her loving Husband Kevin. Di will be sadly missed by her devoted Son's Rich and Chris. All her family and friends. Funeral service will be held at Reading Crematorium South Chapel on Wednesday 6th November at 11.30 am. Family flowers only. Donations if desired for Royal Berks Charity - ICU may be made via or cheques made payable to Royal Berks Charity - ICU and sent to A B Walker 36 Eldon Road Reading RG1 4DL. All enquiries to A B Walker Tel: 0118 9573650

Candle image Tracey Saich November 3rd, 2019


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Tracey Saich November 3rd, 2019
So very sorry to hear of Di’s passing ,far too soon. Sending much love and sympathies to Rich and Chris and all the family. Sadly unable to attend the funeral but you all will be very much in our thoughts on Wednesday and in the coming months . The Saich family x