Sir John Madejski: "On behalf of everyone at Reading Football Club, I would like to wish all our supporters and everyone in the town a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

2012 has again been a very memorable year for both the Reading Football Club and the town.

The two enjoy a symbiotic relationship and as one thrives, so does the other.

I will never forget the open top bus tour around the town with the Championship trophy, with so many thousands of people braving the rain to pay homage to our players and staff.

History has been made this year by many highlights and of course, we welcomed Anton Zingarevich to Reading as we move back into Barclays Premier League.

Of course the town would have liked city status, but hopefully winning the League made up for it.

Away from football, I hope you and your family have a great year and you get everything you hope for in 2013.

Thank you for all your support and loyalty."

Reading Transport chief executive, James Freeman: "2012 has been a big year for Reading Buses and for its customers! We have introduced some exciting new bargain fares, including the �5 ticket for four people travelling together during the holidays, at the weekends and in the evenings. Then there is the �2.20 evening return, giving a cheap return trip after 7pm.

We also launched our ground-breaking SOLO scheme giving all young people up to their 19th birthday cheap travel around Reading with no ID required. This has already seen spectacular growth in travel by young people. Indeed growing use of bus services has been the order of things in Reading this year, with customer numbers overall up by almost 6% year-on-year.

On the people side, our continuing drive to look after all our customers all the time led to us winning the coveted UK Bus Award "Shire Operator of the Year", which is very exciting for all of us working in the business and a wonderful reward for a lot of hard work.

During the year we placed an order for 20 buses to be powered by bio-methane - a carbon negative fuel with really excellent emissions credentials - these will enter service with us in the spring and early summer, helping to clean up the environment of our town and its surroundings.

2013 will not be easy, but we face it with excitement and enthusiasm and we look forward to serving an ever-increasing number of customers in the years to come! Happy New Year everyone!"

Bishop of Reading, Andrew Proud: "What do I hope for in 2013? Well, for so many things.

For the gun lobby in America to amaze everyone by helping the Government curb gun ownership and prevent gun crime. And for Syria to find peace - for an end to fear and suspicion everywhere and for peace, tolerance and respect to break out all over the world!

I know that's probably too much to ask for, so I'll settle for this.

As anxiety and isolation and low self-esteem are big problems in Britain today, I'd love everyone to discover that they are deeply loved by God - whatever life is throwing at them right now - because we all flourish when we're loved. And if we did feel loved, we'd probably look out for each other more, too. That way, peace, tolerance and respect might just stand a chance of breaking out, after all. I get the feeling the US gun lobby might be a harder nut to crack."

Reading Borough Council leader, Cllr Jo Lovelock: "In tough times we must care for one another, so I want to wish everybody in Reading all the best for 2013, and pledge that the council will strive to keep Reading a good place to live.

In the week before Christmas, George Osborne confirmed that Reading must make around �16 million 'savings' in 2013-14, and again the year after, as his austerity programme continues to target urban councils with high levels of need, while affluent areas are let off much more lightly.

Reading's grant from government in 2013-4 has been cut by about �7 million, compared with just �2.7million in Wokingham. It is the unfairness of this government's approach which angers people the most.

While I hope that people in Reading will have a successful 2013, we know that there are many who will continue to face a struggle to pay their basic household bills and the welfare reforms will hit those least able to make ends meet, including people with disabilities.

The council will do what it can to work with others, such as the voluntary sector, to give support where it is needed, but it will not be easy following Mr. Osborne's announcement which contained no seasonal comfort for Reading."

Wokingham MP John Redwood: "I want 2013 to be the year when the economic recovery gathers some pace. Families have been squeezed for too long. We need a break from ever dearer fuel prices, from stretched budgets and tough conditions for business.

I want to see the Government take more action to mend the banks, so a new generation can become home owners, can set up businesses for themselves or work for companies with the cash to expand.

I want to see us come out of their patrolling duties in Afghanistan and give our troops a period without having to be at war.

I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year."