A TEENAGE boy with cancer has returned to secondary school this week having been off since March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

However, he will be flying to Mexico in just a few days’ time for a follow up scan to see if potentially life-saving treatment has worked.

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Charlie Ilsley from Emmer Green was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, the most high-grade brain tumour found in children when he was eight years old.

He has undergone countless operations and even more hospital trips since to help rid him of this cancer.

Charlie flew to Mexico earlier this year in June for potentially life-saving cancer treatment in the form of Immunotherapy.

A follow up scan on August 7 showed Charlie’s “cancer is stable meaning no growth since March”.

Mum Toni said Charlie went back to Highdown School this week explaining he was “really nervous because he hadn’t been since March”.

She added: “He was really worried because he’s a bit wobbly on his feet as we haven’t had any physio because of lockdown and isolation plus treatment.

“So he’s gone back with a walker for safety.”

Returning home from school on Tuesday, Toni said Charlie was “happy”.

Toni explained she will be flying back to Mexico with Charlie next Monday for another scan and to see whether he needs an additional Immunotherapy drug.

She said: “It’s a long way to go but we are in the right place if he needs further treatment, so I have to go.”

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During their trip, Toni and Charlie will be returning to a ranch which they have visited on their previous trips to Mexico.

Toni explained it is here Charlie can relax and enjoy activities such as swimming.

She added the family still need to raise about £2,000 for the trip and only have a week to raise it.

Speaking of this, Toni said she is “getting a bit nervous now”.

The Chronicle has launched a campaign to help support the families efforts.

If you would like to support the Chronicle’s campaign and help raise money for Charlie’s treatment visit the Facebook page ‘URGENT APPEAL! Charlie’s chance to kick cancer’ or click here.