A READING resident has slammed local authorities after claiming locals are being ‘terrorised’ by motorbike riders racing through a popular park.

Diana Lewis, who lives near Courage Park, has written an open letter to Reading Borough Council about the boy-racers ‘plaguing’ her local green space.

This comes after the Chronicle revealed dog-walkers and park-lovers are being forced to deal with the same issue at Prospect Park, which is just more than a mile away.

READ MORE: Concerns raised about youngsters ripping up popular park on mopeds

Her letter reads: “I live near Courage Park and we have been plagued for some time now by unlicensed motorbikes coming through Sheep’s Lane, Swallows Croft and Wensley Road into the park.

“They ride around at speed, damaging grass and terrorising people and children using the park.

“Twice people have been driven at in a very threatening manner, one being knocked over, and they have also driven at dogs being walked there.

“The council did say they would restrict access to the park, as they improved the facilities there, but in clearing and upgrading pathways, they have simply made it easier for the motorbikes to be ridden in and out of the park.

“The bikers can ride virtually straight through the barriers without even slowing down.

“With the latest case of bikers knocking someone over, causing a deep graze on the man’s elbow, we called the police as we have on many other occasions.

READ MORE: Council asks police to look into moped racing at Prospect Park

“The police did turn up [they have not always done so] however, their advice was slightly alarming. Not only did they not give their PC number or the incident number, their suggestion was that we should download an App to report the crime.

“This would need photographic evidence with clear pictures of the bikers and, if we could also find out where they live, then they might be able to process the crime…

“Just how dangerous is it to stand in a biker’s path to get a clear picture of their face? They have proven they don’t care if they knock someone over – indeed in the last incident, the biker stopped and shouted “I’ll kill you” at the man he’d knocked down!

“They wear hoodies, balaclavas, and some even wear helmets, so a ‘clear shot’ is virtually impossible.

“The local children, who should be enjoying the playground and hard court facilities, as well as the open green space, are reluctant to use the park – and some panic at the sound of a motorbike.

READ MORE: The boy-racers 'ripping up' Prospect Park

“I am not saying Reading Police should prioritise this above stabbings, burglary, or violent robberies they have to deal with, but the recent Crime Map of Reading is covered with crimes of such violent attacks.

“Do you feel like you have lost control?

“The more we look at this situation, the more it feels like you have…”

Reading Borough Council was contacted for comment.

In response, a spokesperson said: "Reading Borough Council has restricted access to Courage Park, with barriers at entrances to deter vehicle incursions. However access for bikes cannot be prevented as the park needs to be accessible to the wheelchairs and buggies of disabled people and carers of small children respectively.

"The Council is working closely with the Neighbourhood Policing Team for Minster to investigate the problem of motorbike nuisance in that area, and the issue more widely across Reading is being problem solved from a partnership perspective through the Community Safety Partnership’s Borough Problem Solving Group.

"We encourage residents to report the issue to help us gather sufficient information to take appropriate and targeted action, both through prevention measures and enforcement action against persistent offenders. The Reportable App has been effective in building intelligence around motorbike nuisance across the Borough, but we urge app users to be responsible and stay safe by not doing anything that would compromise their own health and safety. However, any images taken and uploaded of the problematic bike or rider could be highly valuable in tackling the problem. Alternatively, people without smart phones or tablets can report to Reading Borough Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Team by calling 01189 373787 or emailing ASB.Team@reading.gov.uk."

Thames Valley Police was also contacted for comment.

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