WONDERING where to camp? Need to know what the alcohol situation is? Questioning whether to bring wellies?

If you’re going to Reading Festival, we’ve got you covered with answers to some of the big questions.

Please note -- these answers are either provided from friends of The Reading Chronicle, the author’s past experiences, words of wisdom from Reddit, or the official Reading Festival website.

Where should I camp?

Straight from the horse's mouth (i.e. a friend of The Chronicle who is camping this weekend) the place to go if you’re up for a fun time, orange and purple camp tend to be the liveliest places to camp.

Yellow camp is also a busy setting, as is green, but brown and white are quieter.

Reading Chronicle: Image via R&L FestivalImage via R&L Festival

According to Reddit user Wafflemode, who is a regular Reading Fest-goer, you will find more food vans at the green and yellow camps.

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Green camping has the ‘street feast’ facilities in it, as well as a phone charging point, a bar and a safe storage point.

Red and orange have silent disco sites within them, if you fancy a boogie late at night.

Reading Chronicle:

Yellow and green camping border the arena if you want quick and easy access to the tunes.

Our vote goes to green -- if you can get a spot there then well done!

Can I bring alcohol in?

Yes -- but only until 6pm on Sunday evening.

If you have been blessed by the Gods and look young you are likely to be ID’d according to our Reddit friend Wafflemode, but as long as you’re over 18 you can take as much as you want in.

Reading Chronicle:

READ MORE: Covid jabs available at Reading Festival this weekend

HOWEVER. You cannot take alcohol into the arena. You can take in soft sealed drinks and metal drink bottles, though.

Can I bring a bag into the arena?

Yes, but you are advised not to in order to reduce queue times and the bag should be less than A4 size.

Should you bring wellies?


According to weather forecasters, the bank-holiday weekend will be 'dominated by high pressure' resulting in sunny spells and temperatures 'likely to be rather warm'.

Reading Chronicle:

Currently, BBC weather says the temperature on Saturday will reach highs of 21C with Sunday also seeing temperatures in the 20s.

READ MORE: Pictures as Reading Festival goers arrive in the town

But campsites deteriorate quickly and even the slightest bit of rain will make things tricky on the ground. Better to be safe than sorry.

How are the toilets?

Some sage advice from our Reddit friend on this one.

“[They are] bad, just be nice, pee and poo in the hole, respect the next person that has to use it, they still smell though, you'll get used to it.”

Will I need to shower?

It’s up to you, obviously. If you want the proper festival experience, you can easily go three/four/five days without -- just bring some baby wipes, deodorant, maybe some nice smelly stuff and water if you fancy a makeshift wash at your tent.

Reading Chronicle:

READ MORE: Reading Festival campers tell us whether they are worried about catching COVID

If you fancy a proper shower, facilities are provided in orange camping, near red camping, in the ‘camping plus’ site, and in pink moon camping.

What about charging my phone?

Bring a long-life charging pack if you have the space, they come in vital at festivals.

However, if your phone does die, you can charge it up at charging points located in green camping and in the arena.

Will my tent get broken into?

Some more great advice from Reddit here.

READ MORE: Festival bosses tell campers to plan ahead

Reading Chronicle:

Wafflemode says: “[I] doubt [it], make friends with your neighbours, look out for each other, don't stick a lock on it, if you're that worried buy a blow up doll and dress it up like a person in there.”

How do I get to the front of the stage?

Wafflemode, who says they have been to Reading Fest 11 years in a row, says: “my particular advice would be start at the front right hand side, go in sideways rather than forwards and be polite to people.”

What about the silent disco?

The queues for the silent disco form quickly after the last act of the evening, so perhaps leave a bit earlier (the last few songs, maybe?) if you’re looking to avoid the lines.

How much stuff should I bring?

Speaking as someone who has been to a fair few festivals over the years, I’d recommend trying to pack light where possible

Reading Chronicle:

READ MORE: Here's who's playing at Reading Festival

Obviously bring the essentials in terms of clothing, but it’s not worth bringing too many extras such as food bits and perishable items as you can still get most of what you need at the festival site or just outside it.

Where do I get cheaper food?

There’s a big Tesco about 30 minutes walk from the site. It gets very busy very quickly, however, so try and go in the morning if possible.

You can get hot water for pot noodles at the Salvation Army tent near green camping.

Will I have a good time?

In our opinion, Reading Festival is the best festival in the world, so in a word -- YES!