A WOMAN who has suffered the loss of her baby twice said she was "left in tears" at the "insensitive" way Royal Berkshire Hospital treated her.

Claire Horton from Reading went through her first miscarriage in 2016 with her ex-partner and then experienced her second one with her current partner David in July this year.

She shared her miscarriage experience on social media platform TikTok, documenting the miscarriage process at Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.

Claire said she found it 'particularly upsetting' seeing other mums cradling their babies and believes improvements need to be made to women who have gone through a miscarriage.

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Reading Chronicle: Claire with her puppy Labrador Claire with her puppy Labrador

The 31-year-old said: "Lots of women across the UK have already contacted me with their negative experience. It's widely known that you don't get treated for it, it's just something you have to deal with.

"I've miscarried twice and the first time was most traumatic as the baby died with no heartbeat. The operation happened so quickly and I was told I have to go to the maternity ward and was literally put into a room with 10 other women where you're called up by number, not name - it felt like a cattle market.

"I was very upset and I couldn't compose myself but I just had to tell myself 'pull yourself together'. I then wanted to find out further what was going on inside my body and the doctor said 'what, you want to check your baby has died?'. There's just no empathy, I get more empathy when I cut my finger than this."

About 11 weeks ago, Claire miscarried with her second child but told the Chronicle she was more 'prepared' to deal with it.

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She said: "I was crying in the car on the way to the hospital but I put my game face on as it's the way you have to deal with it. The doctor at Royal Berks said to me 'You've still got to get the baby bits stuck in you'. There's just no compassion at all. I was told there's a process before anything is done. You have to have three miscarriages before doctors can tell you what's going on with your body. That's like a man having a heart attack once and being told, we won't do anything until it happens two more times...

Reading Chronicle: The leaflet she was issued with at Royal Berkshire Hospital The leaflet she was issued with at Royal Berkshire Hospital

"I just want to get pregnant so I paid to see a specialist as it's been so traumatic but not every woman can afford to go private."

Claire said there should be a specialist unit for miscarriages, where women don't have to share the same ward, corridors or lifts with happy couples celebrating their newborns.

Royal Berkshire Hospital said they do 'all they can to provide sensitive support' to women who have suffered a miscarriage.

A spokeswoman at Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are very sorry to hear about this lady’s miscarriage and our thoughts are with her at this very difficult time. We do all we can to provide appropriate and sensitive support for women who have sadly suffered the loss of their babies.

"We are looking into this lady’s comments to see if there is anything further we can do to enhance the support we provide.”