Royal Berkshire Hospital has submitted planning permission to redevelop the car park of a nearby church into parking facilities for hospital staff.

The hospital has had constant battles regarding a lack of parking facilities, with more being made available last year.

In 2021 the Trust struck up a deal with Reading Borough Council for 178 spaces in the surrounding streets, such as Upper Redlands Road and Kendrick Road, alongside 600 spaces being made available in the Queen’s Road carpark.

However, the hospital has now requested development of 76 spaces in the Gospel Hall of Plymouth Brethren car park on Redlands Road.

According to the planning application, the Trust wishes for a “change of use of the existing car park attached to the Gospel Hall of Plymouth Brethren, Redlands Road to staff parking for use by Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust as secure, additional off-site parking spaces for dedicated critical care staff.”


Reading Chronicle:

Above: An aerial shot of the proposed site


The planning statement, submitted December 8, 2021, states: “The experience of parking at RBH for all users has been a poor experience for many years.

“There is a significant under provision of spaces to meet the demand of many of the groups of users.

“It is noticeable that more staff are choosing active travel for their commute to work, and it is hoped that continued promotion of shower, change and cycle facilities and the popular new cycle to work loan scheme will encourage more to shift away from cars and parking.

“At the same time, it is noted that there is still an element of reluctance amongst some staff to return to using bus transport, particularly on the busier routes.

“We continue to work with Reading Buses on this and highlighting the safety measures that they are taking as well as the increasing number of buses offered.

“To meet patient and visitor and staff demand, additional spaces are required.”


Reading Chronicle:

Above: The current parking at the hospital is not sufficient to fit demand


According to the report, there shall be no changes to the site in ground level and no new buildings shall be erected.

A one-way system is to be implemented, and the spaces shall be allotted on a permit-holder basis only.

A Royal Berkshire Hospital spokesperson said: “Parking is an ongoing challenge at Royal Berkshire Hospital, and we know the current situation cannot be maintained for our staff, patients and visitors.

“As a Trust, improving parking at the hospital is an area of priority which is why we are currently exploring a number of options which should improve the situation over the coming months.

“One of these options is providing parking for Royal Berkshire Hospital staff at Brethren Hall – these spaces will be prioritised for staff with immediate clinical requirements to be on site.

“This is in addition other changes we have already implemented including expansion of drop-off spaces, and the launch of our staff cycle village to encourage active travel.

“Together, these changes should reduce pressures in our multi-storey car park which will improve the experience of our patients.”


Click here to view the full proposals.