A READING builder who exposed his employees to asbestos has been handed a huge court bill after breaking health regulations.

Keiran Lynch, of Old Barn Close, Emmer Green, was prosecuted after it emerged the tradesman knew the Barnsdale Road house his staff were refurbishing contained the dangerous substance.

Two employees working for Lynch and Co, who had no prior experience of removing asbestos, were sent into the property without protective measures in place.

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Once they had taken down boards affected by asbestos, they stored them inside the house for a further three months before they were moved into the front garden to be disposed -- something they should have had a licence for.





When inhaled over long periods of time, asbestos fibres become trapped in the body and can cause diseases such as lung cancer.

Following an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive, Lynch was prosecuted and admitted to breaching Control of Asbestos Regulations.

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At his sentencing at Reading Magistrates’ Court, he was handed a community order which requires him to take part in 25 rehabilitation activity days and carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

He was also told to pay £5,000 in costs and a £95 victim surcharge.

Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector David Tonge said: “Refurbishment work, even in domestic premises, is liable to expose people to asbestos and adequate steps must be taken to find out if asbestos is present.

“If so, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure people are not exposed to asbestos fibres.”