“I DON’T get too many heroin addicts in their fifies. That’s because they’re all dead.”

That was the message from a judge sentencing a heroin addict who stole £460 from an elderly lady.

Hannah Halstead, of Hartland Road, Reading, was handed a four-month prison sentence for her theft but is set to be released from prison imminently having already served a similar time in custody.

And a judge at Reading Crown Court warned her to ‘sort out’ her drug addiction upon release or she might end up dead.

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Halstead was being sentenced for the theft of a 76-year-old lady who she had once already stolen from after taking her purse.

The court heard how Halstead turned up at the pensioner’s door on December 6, 2021, to ask for money.

The victim told her she was a “cheeky b****” for daring to ask for cash.

However, Halstead wormed her way indoors and robbed the woman of £460 in benefits money before fleeing.

Realising what had happened, the 76-year-old followed Halstead to her home address to confront.

Upon arrival, a person on a bicycle was seen seen dealing drugs to Halstead, who is 35 years old.

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The victim attempted to inform Halstead’s father of what she had done but the offender grabbed the woman by the neck.

She tried to wave cars down to help her but no drivers stopped.

The pair went back to the pensioner’s house where Halstead swallowed the drugs she had purchased from the person on the bicycle.

Here, the victim’s son arrived and called the police. Halstead was arrested.

Halstead’s defence barrister told the court the defendant was a heroin addict who had not received any support as she had ‘slipped through the net’.

Sentencing, His Honour Judge Paul Dugdale told Halstead: “Generally speaking, heroin addicts don’t live to their forties.

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“If you fancy another five or six years and then that’s it, then carry on what you’re doing.

“I don’t get too many heroin addicts in their fifies. That’s because they’re all dead.

“What you do next is up to you. You’re going to be back out in the community and you’re going to be at risk of falling back to where you were.

“Will I have you back in front of me again? If depends if you’re alive.

“Sort it out.”

Commenting on the offence, the Judge added: “What happened to her that night was not nice.

“She was in her seventies. It was all rather unpleasant.”

Halstead, appearing via live video link from custody, responded: “I’m going to try my best and hopefully you won’t be seeing me again.”

Halstead was handed a four-month prison sentence at Reading Crown Court on Monday, February 7.