STUDENTS are campaigning for parents to switch off their engines when dropping them outside school.

Primary Schools across Bracknell Forest, Wokingham and West Berkshire have taken part in an awareness campaign to help reduce dangerous emissions from idling cars.

As part of the campaign, pupils were tasked with designing a car bumper sticker to encourage residents to switch off their engines when appropriate, saving emissions from idling.

The winning design was created by a Year Six pupil from Ascot Heath Primary School in Bracknell Forest and will be available for residents to display.

Reading Chronicle:

Bracknell Forest Council has been working with the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) to educate schools, businesses, and the local community to reduce the impact of air pollution on people’s health.

Cllr Chris Turrell, Executive Member for Planning and Transport, said: “Long-term exposure to pollutants from idling vehicles can have a significant impact on our health, especially those who are vulnerable.

“There are lots of small steps residents can take to help improve the air quality in Bracknell Forest too. Swapping your car journey for a walk or cycle is the perfect solution, but if you are idle in traffic, switching off your engine will help stop a large build-up of pollution. Drivers can also add our newly designed bumper sticker to encourage others to do the same.”

After being awarded £259,406 from the Governments Air Quality Grant, the PPP, a shared environmental health service provided by Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham borough council’s, launched an anti-idling campaign targeted at the 448,000 residents who drive across the three boroughs.

For Bracknell Forest in-particular, the grant is delivering the following:

• monitoring of emissions in hotspot areas, such as schools and helping them to act

• education of engine-idling to licensed taxi and PHV drivers

• behavioural expert led production of anti-idling materials, including signage, posters, leaflets, presentations, and enforcement guidance

Residents can obtain a copy of the winning bumper sticker by emailing:



