Plans to build new car washing facilities at BP’s Three Mile Cross petrol station could see reduced operating times after the noise was found to have an ‘adverse’ impact. 

An application, submitted to Wokingham Borough Council, proposes demolishing the three existing cleaning facilities, as well as the air/water facilities at the premises on Basingstoke Road, and replacing them with four new enclosed jet wash units to ‘improve efficiency’. 

The applicant, site owner Fraser Retail Limited, says the company has “engaged with existing customers and immediate residents” to discuss the proposals before developing their proposal. 

The new 3.5m-high bays, with the inclusion of a roof covering, would be situated in the same location as the current facilities – to the southeast of the development site – and provide “acoustic screening”. 

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Jet wash operating times are currently limited to between 7am and 11pm Monday to Friday, 7am to 10pm on Saturdays and 8am to 9pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.    

However, the results of a noise impact assessment concluded that the noise generated from the facilities created a “significant adverse impact” during the evenings and advised a reduction in its operating times. 

It suggested restricting usage to between 7am and 7pm every day of the week, including Bank Holidays. 

The application also outlines plans for a single-storey room, which would be used to house plant machinery, and the relocation of a lamppost.  

The council’s planning committee will assess the plan before reaching a decision in due course.