“Everything that’s created is out of love for Charlie’s memory and his love of dogs.”

These were the words of Tony Ilsley, as she spoke openly about her mission behind the Caversham-based dog day care centre, at this year’s 2023 Crufts.

The centre was created following the death of her 13-year-old son, Charlie, who battled with a rare form of brain tumour from the age of eight.

Tony sat down in the studio with Clare Balding last night (11/3) at the NEC in Birmingham where they spoke about her purpose and the inspiration behind 'Charlie’s Place'.

Tony said: “Charlie’s Place has done a lot when dealing with Charlie’s death. I don’t know if I would have survived it if it weren’t for this place because I still feel like I’m doing something for him and I know that he really wanted to do it, he loved dogs.

“When he (Charlie) first had his tumour removed, he wasn’t quite the same as before, so his balance wasn’t very good, his eye didn’t open properly and he always used to worry about what he was going to do when he was older.

“When we visited the ranch in Mexico they had rescue dogs, and he said to me, this is what I want to do when I get older.

“It was the last thing that he said to me that he really was passionate about.”

Since Charlie's death in December 2020, Tony has created a place where animal lovers can bring their dogs to socialise and play whilst their owners are at work.

Dogs of all breeds from across Berkshire have visited the day care centre over the last two years.

Tony added: “I’m so proud when I shut the doors at night. We’re keeping his memory alive, and it keeps me going because I’ve got a purpose in life again.

“I know that he would have absolutely loved it and for me, just being busy 24/7 with the dogs keeps me going.”

As well as giving her a purpose after Charlie’s untimely death, Tony has also been inspired to return to her studies alongside the business.

She is now a qualified dog trainer and behaviourist, and is currently completing a master’s degree in behaviour.