THE mother of a teenager jailed for his involvement in the murder of Raheem Hanif is on trial for allegedly trying to stop police arresting her son.

Twenty-six-year-old Raheem was stabbed in the chest at about 6.55pm on Saturday, February 6, 2021 in Dulnan Close, Tilehurst.

Four people were jailed for his murder including Shekuh Conteh, who was 17 at the time, who was imprisoned for four years in prison for manslaughter and grievous bodily harm without intent.

READ MORE: Killers locked up for decades after 'needless' and 'tragic' murder of Raheem Hanif

Conteh’s mother, Bintu Conteh, of Approach Close, London, is now on trial at Reading Crown Court charged with perverting the course of justice.

It is alleged that the 39-year-old reported her iPhone 11, that her son frequently used, as being stolen on the day of the murder.

She called 999 on February 8, two days later, and claimed three men approached her in Basingstoke and told her to hand the phone over or they will ‘take her head off’.

In a recorded call to police, Conteh said: “I was walking and some people asked me to take the phone and they took it from me.

“They asked me to give them [sic]. They just asked me to give the phone or else we will take your head off [sic].”

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It is the prosecutions case that Conteh lied about her phone being stolen to avoid police connecting the phone to the area in Reading where the murder took place.

The crown told the court at the start of the trial on Monday (May 22) that police had connected the phone to masts in Reading at the time Conteh claimed it was being stolen in Basingstoke.

As well as her son being sentenced in March last year, three others were also jailed.

Abas Khan, who was 24 at the time, of Helmsdale Road, Reading, was sentenced to life in prison to serve a minimum of 26 years in custody for murder and grievous bodily harm without intent.

Kamran Chowdhary, who was 18 at the time, of Carey Street, Reading, was sentenced to life in prison to serve a minimum of 14 years in custody for murder, possession of a knife and GBH without intent.

Humzah Sikander, who was 18 at the time, of Brunel Road, Reading, was sentenced to six years in prison for manslaughter and GBH without intent. 

Raheem’s father, Abdul, was also injured in the attack and suffered a broken arm after the men ambushed their van.

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The attack arose as a result of a love rivalry between Raheem and Khan. 

The trial of Conteh continues.

Reading Chronicle: