RIVERMEAD Leisure Centre is getting ready for its grand opening next month, but residents have been left wondering why plans for a swimming pool are delayed.

After much anticipation, the Rivermead leisure centre will be open its 'dry facilities' on Monday, July 17.

Facilities include a 6-court sports hall and a 120-station gym with 3 studios, soft play activity zone with party rooms and café.

Although the 'dry' facilities are ready to open next month, the swimming pool will not be complete until 2024 as the phased opening is extended. 

Reading residents have been quick to share their disappointment at the delay, calling it 'a massive let down'.

Reading residents discussed issues with planning permission putting a halt to building the swimming pool.

Ian Coote, said: "No pool until whenever. Something to do with not have the correct planning permission due to the dive pool and flood table, I believe. Something that seems to have been overlooked."

Reading Council has defended the delay saying it is not down to planning permission issues. 

A spokesperson from Reading Borough Council said: "It is misleading and completely inaccurate to suggest there any issue with the planning application process on the Council’s part."

So, why is there a delay?

GLL issued a statement in March that states the issue is within the Council’s control and not related to planning permission.

The delay resulted from a backlog at the Environment Agency in granting the final part of an abstraction licence, which is needed to allow ground water levels to be lowered. The ground water level needs to be lowered sufficiently to allow construction of the new diving pool.

"This has meant that work on the diving pool was temporarily and frustratingly halted pending the licence being issued by the EA", the Council said.

Reading Council said the licence has since been granted and work is now underway on the pools.

"The current expectation is for the pools to be delivered in summer 2024", the Council added. 

Reading Council said building works will be needed in late July to incorporate the existing 25m 5-lane pool into the new leisure centre.

There is likely to be a brief pool closure as part of these works and GLL will contact centre users of any closures.

The new flagship leisure facilities form part of the Council’s leisure investment of more than £40million.