A MARRIED couple have avoided jail after stealing from multiple businesses across Berkshire including £25,000 of equipment from a veterinary surgery in Wokingham.

Adam and Monika Niewiadomski, of Essex Street, Reading, were sentenced at Reading Crown Court on Thursday (June 15) for multiple counts of theft, burglary and attempted burglary.

The pair, both from Poland, was caught on June 1, 2020 after being spotted by police walking away from J Lawrence Jewellers, in Northbrook Street, Newbury, at 3.45am while the security alarm was blaring.

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When asked by police why Mr Niewiadomski was armed with a hacksaw, circular saw, crowbar and black gloves, the 39-year-old said: “For stealing”.

Judge Edward Burgess sentenced Mr Niewiadomki to 18 months imprisonment suspended for 12 months. Mrs Niewiadomski received a 12-month community order.

Opening the case, prosecutor Robert Brown said after the pair were stopped by police, officers decided to search their vehicle where phones and equipment stolen from U Break, We Fix, in Northbrook Street, Newbury, was found to the value £12,000.

Items were found to be stolen from Oxfam in Northbrook Street in Newbury of an unknown value as Oxfam stores in Wokingham and Woodley. An additional £25,000 worth of equipment was taken from Dentons Veterinary Surgery, in Denton Road, Wokingham.

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They were also charged with attempted burglary of the Newbury jewellery store and Newbury Emporium in Cheap Street.

Mrs Niewiadomski, 36, was also charged with theft by employee after being caught stealing 12 boxes of trainers from Foot Asylum in Reading where she worked.

The court that Mr Niewiadomski has three previous convictions for five offences including one of theft where he was imprisoned for four months. Mrs Niewiadomski had one previous conviction for theft in December 2020.

Sentencing the pair, Judge Burgess said: “The fact I’m not going to send either of you to custody today should not be taken as these being trivial offences, it’s fair from that.

“Perhaps in the current economic climate and the coronavirus pandemic did have an impact but people cope with resorting to dishonest criminal behaviour.

“But these are old offences and Mr Niewiadomski you have, for similar offences committed shortly after, served a prison sentenced and I hope that has been a short, sharp, shock for you as well as for your wife and family.

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“I’m heartfelt by the fact that since then you’ve gained employment and are making money lawfully.”

Mr Niewiadomski also received 25 rehabilitation days and 150 hours of unpaid work. Mrs Niewiadomski will need to complete 18 rehabilitation days and 90 hours of unpaid work.