“YOU have no idea who this is man and what he’s done,” said a woman who has accused a 78-year-old of indecent assault.

Edward Price is on trial at Reading Crown Court for an alleged historic child sex crime which is said to have occurred between 1991 and 1992.

The elderly man, who would have been in his late 40s at the time, has been charged with two counts of indecent assault on a girl under 14 between September 9, 1991 and December 21, 1991.

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He is also charged with two counts of indecent assault on a girl under 16 between December 21, 1991 and December 21, 1992.

Price, of Millwey Avenue in Axminster, Devon, admits that there was a sexual relationship but that the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was of age.

The offences are alleged to have happened in Reading. Taking to the witness stand, the woman told the jury that she was ‘definitely 14 years of age’ when the sexual relationship took place.

She also alleged that Price took inappropriate photographs of her.

When the defence counsel for Price suggested to that woman that she had been older at the time, she said there ‘was no way’.

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“You have no clue who this man is and what he’s done,” she said.

The trial continues.