Four people have been arrested after a Trading Standards operation exposed fraud and unfair trading practices.

South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (SEROCU) and Thames Valley Police arrested three men and a woman have been arrested in connection with an investigation led by Trading Standards.

The four individuals, all from Reading, were arrested on suspicion of offences under the Fraud Act and Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations.  

They have since been released on bail.  

Sergeant Ricci Dolan, from SEROCU, said: “These arrests come as part of an investigation being led by Trading Standards into rogue traders operating in the Reading area.  

“This is one such example of our commitment to working with our partners to tackle crime across the South East.” 

Cllr Karen Rowland, Lead Councillor for Environmental Services and Community Safety at Reading Council, said: “Thursday’s arrests are the result of an excellent joint investigation and decisive action by Reading Council’s Trading Standards officers and our partners.  

“We will not hesitate to act against offenders suspected of carrying out these illegal activities in an attempt to defraud the public. 

“Instant, free, consumer advice is available via our partnership with the helpline at the Citizens Advice Consumer Service: 0808 223 1133,”