The independent parliamentary candidate for Reading West and Mid Berkshire is a former Lib Dem councillor for West Berkshire Council.

Adrian Abbs now sits as an independent and was one of the first to throw his hat in the ring for the new constituency seat.

“A few more weeks and people will pass judgment on those that have been in power and the promises they made. I ask for your vote as something different from the rest.”

He says he is the common sense option focussed on the constituency and not parties.

"I can and will work with whoever wins the majority and help create a UK with a positive future,” he said.

“The parties running campaigns are busy fighting against each other, whereas my focus is fighting for you and the constituency. I believe anyone can win this new constituency, so I ask you to vote with your heart, change the type of MPs we get.


“For the record I have lived locally for 25 years, run a small business in West Berkshire, intend to place the MPs office somewhere central like Theale, and will run surgeries during my time as MP around the whole constituency.

"My motivation for standing is that I think party politics is broken and would like to bring some common and business sense to parliament.

Cllr Abbs has been campaigning since January, with letters being sent to 20,000 people in the constituency.

Further justifying his run, cllr Abbs said: "I ask for your vote as something different from the rest. I would be an MP that:

  • Is focused on the constituency, not their party, its members or party conferences.
  • Is not constrained by any vested interest group.
  • Who brings business and common sense to the role.
  • Who can and will work with whoever wins the majority and help create a UK with a positive future.

Cllr Abbs has previously lived in Germany, Pingewood in the eastern half of the new Reading West & Mid Berkshire constituency and currently lives in the Newbury Wash Common area, which he represents on West Berkshire Council. 

Other competitors for the constituency are Olivia Bailey, the Labour candidate, Ross Mackinnon the Conservative candidate and a former executive member for finance at West Berkshire Council, Helen Belcher OBE, the Liberal Democrat candidate, cllr Carolyne Culver the Green candidate and Kate Bosley for Reform.