A DAREDEVIL Berkshire mum has taken to the heavens for a hair-raising skydive in support of the National Deaf Children’s Society

Sonya Hawley, from Reading, took on the hair-raising challenge on Sunday, May 19 after the skydive was postponed five times since July 2023 due to poor weather.

The jump finally took place at Sarum Airfield in Salisbury, where she flew from 10,000 feet in a tandem jump with a qualified instructor.

She chose to jump in support of the National Deaf Children’s Society because her daughter Esmee, 16, was identified as deaf in 2017 and the family has been receiving ongoing support from the charity. Most recently support from the group has included organising British Sign Language classes for Sonya and Esmee.

Sonya has reached her fundraising target of £1,000 for the National Deaf Children’s Society, which supports the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families.

Sonya, an office manager, lives in Reading with her husband Peter and Esmee. She said: "Wow - what a rush! I was so pleased it finally happened, because it was so worth waiting for. As soon I got down I wanted to up again!

“Waiting for my name to be called throughout the day intensified the nerves, but then I remembered why I was doing it and that kept me going. Having Esmee and my husband there was a real support.

“The National Deaf Children’s Society has been so helpful and supportive of Esmee and my family over the years, that I just wanted to give a little bit back.”

Tamsin Bayliss, who supports fundraisers for the National Deaf Children’s Society, said: “I want to say a massive congratulations to Sonya for taking the plunge with this hair-raising skydive for us. We’re so proud of you.

“The National Deaf Children’s Society is dedicated to supporting the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families. The efforts of selfless fundraisers like Sonya will help us to keep on doing our vital work, now and into the future.”

Go online to https://www.justgiving.com/page/sonya-hawley-1679730835337 to donate to Sonya's fundraiser.