Two much-loved members of Reading Oddfellows, have received national recognition for working together to improve local people’s lives.

Pat and David Lang were chosen as the winners in the ‘Achieving Together’ category of the Oddfellows’ Making a Difference Awards.

The husband and wife were presented with a trophy by the Chairman of the Society, Barbara Needham, during its annual conference in Llandudno on Tuesday, May 28.

The award recognises Oddfellows members who significantly improve the lives of fellow members.

The Oddfellows is one of the oldest and largest friendly societies in the UK with nearly 40,000 members across its 99 branches nationwide.

On winning the award, David, a retired Train Planning Manager, said: “I suppose I’m a little embarrassed really, but very proud at the same time. It has never been about being rewarded. We love doing what we do – it is as simple as that.”

Retired School Teaching Assistant, Pat, added: “I’m honoured. We have much to thank the Oddfellows for and have met so many lovely people. With David by my side we’ve done a lot.”

Pat and David joined the Society over half a century ago and have since taken on a wide range of voluntary roles, including serving as Branch Chairman five times between them.

Debbie Jex, District Secretary at Reading Oddfellows, said: “Pat and David will do anything for anyone. They are true Oddfellows.

“They work very well together and always do this with good humour.

“They always give their all. They are a wonderful team. I’m extremely proud that they have won this award.”