Plans to build almost 500 homes south of Reading have been branded ‘absolute lunacy’ by villagers who say their area is already struggling with new development.

Development consultancy Pegasus Group submitted plans for up to 475 homes south of Spencers Wood to Wokingham Borough Council in May. Plans include a primary school, local centre and green space.

But dozens of people have written to object, arguing that roads and schools are already overcrowded – and fearing a loss of open space.

Ash Best of Church Lane told council planning officers: “There's already plenty of houses. Traffic is already so bad, there's not enough schools and the effect on the wildlife will be immense.

READ MORE: Plans for 500 homes would be ‘devastating’ for Spencers Wood

“There are not many places in Reading/Wokingham that have so much green space. My house is one of the old ones on church lane, right next door there used to be a huge field, deer would come into our garden and eat the fallen fruit from out trees and now there's nothing.”

David Kmiecik of Elisha Close said: “This is absolute lunacy to consider adding more properties to an overpopulated area.”

The proposals are to build homes, a school, a ‘local centre', a park and recreation space on 95 acres of land south of Spencers Wood between Basingstoke Road and Sussex Lane.

The developers have so far only applied for a ‘screening opinion’ from Wokingham Borough Council. This is not yet a full planning application but a request to determine whether a development would have ‘significant effects on the environment'.