The top boss at the University of Reading has responded to demands of a protest against Israeli military action in Gaza that has set up at the university’s Whiteknights campus.

Students have been camping for just over two weeks on campus, calling for four key demands to be met.

Activists at the camp claim that the Israeli military is committing a ‘genocide’ against people in Gaza.

The protest has specific demands calling for the University to:

  1. Condemn and acknowledge ‘war crimes’ committed by the Israeli army
  2. Divest from companies that are ‘openly complicit in genocide’
  3. Pledge to assist in providing scholarships for Palestinian students, similar to Ukrainian students
  4. Safeguard the freedom of speech of students and staff from prosecution, disciplinary action or hostility.

The demands have been comprehensively answered by Professor Robert Van de Noort, the vice-chancellor of the university.

Addressing the issue of divestment, Professor Van de Noort said: “I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that the use of our assets should align with our broader University principles.

“I am confident that the University, after many years of strong leadership and careful thought on ethical investment, has an investment policy that matches our values.

“We undertook a rigorous selection for a new investment manager, selecting a partner with an investment approach that allowed us to secure our financial future while also taking a positive approach to investments. 

“Our investment policy, and a detailed report of our annual shareholdings going back more than a decade, are published on our website. I would urge anyone who is interested to scrutinise them.”

It is not clear when the encampment will end. Term at the university ends on Friday, June 7.

More reporting will follow.