A large number of drivers and pedestrians have noticed numerous mysterious yellow boxes that have been cropping up all over Berkshire. 

One of these mysterious yellow box was seen on the side of one of Reading's busiest roads - Pell Street. 

A similar object was also seen in Bracknell, with a further one cited in Caversham opposite The Last Crumb pub. 

The long rectangular objects are situated next to a power box. The box is pretty much empty inside bar the top of a green pipe poking from out the ground. 

Previously residents had taken to social media to debate what on earth the mystery yellow box was for. 

One person suggested “With the state of the economy perhaps they are a new type of Studio Flat!” with another saying “I heard they are sunbeds for rabbits.”

But what are these mysterious boxes actually used for? A telecoms expert has come forward with valuable answers. 

A spokesperson for BT has confirmed that although these boxes aren't used by their group, they are often used by providers while they are waiting for the long-term boxes to be installed.

The spokesperson sent through the following statement:

"It allows engineers to complete all infrastructure work required whilst they prepare to install the boxes.

"The ones mentioned are not ours but hopefully that is helpful context as to why they may have appeared in the area."

The yellow boxes act as temporary covers for telecommunication (telco) cabinets that are part-way through being installed.

We hope this provides some clarity!