The trial of two teens accused of attempting to kill another in a row over a fake Louis Vuitton handbag is closing at Reading Crown Court.

Today (June 21), prosecuting barrister Patrick Dennis urged jurors to convict the youths on trial - who stand charged with attempted murder and wounding with intent.

This stems from an incident on August 9 last year, in which one of the teens plunged a knife into another boy in Hemdean Road, Caversham.

The boys deny all charges against them.

The stabbing occurred in the early hours of the morning, and allegedly arose from a feud over a fake handbag.

A day prior to the attack, the victim stole the bag from the knifeman.

There were 'unpleasant' exchanges on social media, with the defendant and the thief agreeing to meet in Hemdean Road.

Mr Dennis said of this meet: "The evidence that this was going to be a fistfight was overwhelming."

However, the defendant brought another youth along with him - who the prosecution charge with knowing what was going to happen in advance.

Mr Dennis claims that they set about ambushing the bag thief, with one boy producing a knife and stabbing him upon arrival in Hemdean Road.

The prosecutor told jurors: "The indisputable fact is that, in the incident, the victim sustained three stab wounds from a knife that the defendant decided to bring onto the streets of Caversham."

The victim was stabbed in the heart and bowel, and his life was only saved by emergency surgery.

None of the youths involved can be named for legal reasons.

The defendant who wielded the knife told the court that he acted in self-defence, after the victim pulled a weapon on him.

Mr Dennis rubbished this account as 'ludicrous,' stating: "The victim suffers multiple, life-threatening stab wounds, including the one to the chest that pierced his heart - and the defendant barely has a scratch on him."

The prosecution in the case have made much of the fact that both defendants lied to police in the aftermath of the stabbing, claiming they had nothing to do with the attack.

However, instructing jurors today, Judge Heather Norton told them that these untruths do not necessarily point to the teens' guilt.

The judge said: "When you are considering this evidence … you must consider why [the defendants] lied."

The trial continues.