A new set of data shows that although the number of potholes in our town dropped over a period of three years Reading Borough Council took almost double the amount of time to refill them. 

The study shows that in 2019 to 2020 there was an average of 3,680 potholes recorded and that the council took up to 28 days to get one reported refilled. 

The numbers stay relatively the same for the years 2020 to 2021 with 2,764 potholes recorded and the longest period of time the council took to repair them amounted to 21 days. 

However, within the year 2021 to 2022 despite the number of potholes dropping to 1,913, the study shows that the council took 46 days at the most to fix them. 



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This comes as dozens of residents have consistently complained about the state of the roads in the town, some even comparing them to funfair rides of types of cheese. 

Becky Kraus said "Blundells Road in Tilehurst is like a theme park ride. You have no chance of not spilling a drink in the passenger seat! Also not great if you’ve just had surgery."

Along the same sentiment, Dan Fundrey said "Russell St and Baker St it’s recently been resurfaced for the third time in five years but it usually becomes Swiss cheese within a few months."

Reading Borough Council have responded to the recent study and have said that whilst their average repair time is seven days, each pothole is judged on a risk-based assessment which means the worst potholes are dealt with much sooner, often on the day they are assessed.

They illuminated that the instance of a 46 day wait was allegedly one incident where a parked car stopped them from fixing a pothole sooner, and required a temporary traffic regulation order to be submitted to provide the necessary access.

The spokesperson said "This year we will resurface up to 105 more residential roads and up to 72 of Reading’s major roads under a 5-year £8m investment in road improvements which began last year.

"The programme is regularly reviewed to tackle the worst affected roads in order of priority and against the available budget."

"Since 2020 Reading Borough Council has seen a 44% reduction in the number of pothole reports from the public, from 970 in 2019/20 down to 543 in 2022/23, resurfaced around 700 roads and completed a 3-year, £9m investment in road improvements."