An Uber driver has been fined £1,195 and slapped with eight points for illegally plying for hire in Reading.

This marks Muhamad Ismail Mahumuthu Atham's second conviction for the same offence, the first one being in November 2020.

Mr Atham, a taxi driver licensed by Fareham Borough Council, was guilty of such offences for a second time, an act resulting in financial penalties exceeding £1,000 and eight points on his driving licence.

The driver from Kingsgate Street, Reading, was ordered to settle legal costs and fines amounting to £1,195 after being found guilty at Reading Magistrates' Court in June 2024.

The 52-year-old was apprehended by Reading Council Licensing officers on Oxford Road, Reading, on December 2, 2022.

The incriminating incident involved Mr Atham consenting to pick up two officers who were pretending to be passengers outside a late-night food outlet.

Mr Atham recognized one of the enforcement officers and drove away with the rear door still open.

In the trial at Reading Magistrates' Court on June 17, 2024, Mr Atham faced three counts of guilt.

These included plying for hire without a hackney carriage vehicle licence and without a hackney carriage driver's licence, resulting in a £200 and £100 fine respectively.

For driving without insurance, he received eight penalty points.

The court ordered him to pay £775 towards prosecution costs and a victim surcharge of £120.

Prior to this, Mr Atham had already been convicted for illegally plying for hire in Reading on November 9, 2020.

Cllr John Ennis, Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport, said: "This successful conviction by Reading's diligent licensing team shows that Private Hire drivers who think they are above the law will not escape punishment.

"Private Hire and Hackney Carriage customers deserve to trust that their driver is properly insured and licensed.

"Our officers routinely conduct operations in town centre hotspots to enforce these standards.

"We are thankful for the support from the majority of Reading's law-abiding taxi trade.

"Unlicensed drivers who undermine this trust will be dealt with firmly to maintain public confidence and ensure safety in our nighttime economy."