Residents have been giving their suggestions on what changes would make Reading a better place to live. 

Previously locals had said that Reading has a lot to offer, with great amenities, good proximity to the countryside, and efficient transport links. 

On a recent call out to Facebook, two hundred people chimed in with their suggestions on what aspects would make the town a more enjoyable place to live. 

Many suggested that there should be a crack down on illegal activity, specifically drug dealing and usage. 

One person said "Actually arrest and get the dozen or so drug dealers who we all can recognise at this point off the streets so it can be safe after 8 pm."

In agreement with the previous commenter, another person wrote "Less drug use and tackling antisocial behaviour."

Others also suggested that there should be more activities on offer for the public to enjoy. 

One person said "A large leisure complex for the children and families of Reading. Ice skating, bowling slide pool, inside skate parks youth clubs."

Another person said "A big entertainment complex with such things as a large bowling alley, cinemas, an ice rink etc."

A dozen or so people agreed that the infrastructure of Reading could be improved upon. 

One commenter wrote "Restore the town centre. Employ an Architect to undertake a master plan and a project management company to review all aspects and costs.

"Obvious things like centre transport options and bus links/places, design to maximise the Thames element of the Town.

"Create free parking for customers across the town so that people from a ten mile radius are encouraged to visit and use the town. These items will improve the retail space returns."

Another person said "Learn from European towns & cities with better infrastructure for cars & sustainable travel to be of equal importance."

Others suggested an improvement to mental health services. 

One person said "Sort out mental health, it’s disgusting how many people are just left walking around needing help!

"Sort out homelessness it’s disgusting how many people are sleeping out in the streets they are everywhere in Reading town!

"Sort out Oxford Road it’s a dump."

Finally, one resident suggested that more should be made of Reading's riverside location. 

They said "Make better use of its riverside location.

"It’s rather disappointing that The Island Bar was allowed to be overdeveloped on such a large scale, annoyed many of its immediate neighbours, then closed because it was too expensive to run all year round. In hindsight a smaller revamp of Piper’s Island would have been more sustainable. Now it’s just a blot on the river."