An event celebrating those with disabilities in Reading will sadly not be taking place this year.

Last year, Reading Borough Council held its first Disability Pride in Broad Street, which celebrated individuals and provided a space for togetherness and information.

There were hopes of a follow-up event, with a suggested improvement of having it at an indoor venue after an attendee complained about rain affecting the day.

But now it has been announced that Disability Pride cannot happen this year due to 'finance and staffing issues'.

The news was discussed at the council's access and disabilities working group.

Karen Rowland (Labour, Abbey) lead councillor for community safety said: "Disability Pride can't go ahead due to finance issues.

"It's deeply regretted, it's financial as well as manpower."

Members of the group were told the news at the meeting on Thursday, June 27.

Providing further clarification, a spokesperson for the council said: “An event to mark Disability Pride Day was held for the first time in Reading last year, but a combination of long-term sickness among event organisers and current budget constraints means it is with great disappointment we can confirm it won’t be possible to host an event this year.

“It remains the Council’s strong aspiration, however, that a celebratory event organised together with the community should be considered for future years and this will form part of much wider budget discussions in the years to come.”