Dozens of people took to Caversham today for a much loved annual event. 

Caversham Fete saw lots of families who joyfully attended the festivities and got stuck in with all the fun games and activities. 

Stalls on offer included a chocolate tombola, a coconut shy, homemade cake stands, and a Pimms tent!  

Chair of the fete committee Melanie Denley, 62, from Caversham said that the event has been running for well over 20 years. 

"We've had lots on offer," she said. "Lots of entertainment. A brass band, a magician, a stilt walker.

"Lots of stalls run by church members and friends from the three churches involved."

The three churches that have come together to set up the fete this year are St Margaret's Mapledurham, St Peter's Caversham, and St John's in Caversham

Multiple charities also stationed themselves at the fete to raise money for vital causes. 

One such organisation was Daisy's Dream, the chosen charity of Fox Payne associates, who helps families with young children through bereavement. 

Edward Pickard said "We are volunteering our time to help promote Daisy's Dream. 

"They give and provide access to professional help, days out together to help the kids who are going through such a difficult time. 

"The way we see it, we try and help family's prior to loss in case something happens, like life insurance."

Mr Pickard said that afterwards if they haven't managed to help them beforehand that's when doing work with a charity like Daisy's Dream steps in.