THE BEREAVED family of a woman who was stabbed 60 times in a Boxing Day attack by her partner, have told an inquest their sister suffered 'years of physical and emotional abuse'.

Angela Mittal, 41, was murdered in her home at Parker Close, Shinfield, by her partner Laurens Brand after spending Christmas Day 2018 with her family.

Brands, of Parker Close, Shinfield, previously admitted the murder at Reading Crown Court and was jailed for a minimum of 16 years and eight months the following May.

Reading Coroner’s Court met for the first day of the two-week-long inquest on Wednesday, July 17, where the five members of the jury heard emotional statements from both of Ms Mittal’s sisters.

The inquest is being held into Angela’s death in order for a coroner to consider the response of agencies prior to her death and the safeguarding concerns raised by her family.

Addressing Coroner Heidi J Connor and the jury, Angela’s sister Poonam Mittal said: “I was concerned about her husband from very early on in their marriage. Over the years I wasn’t allowed to talk to my sister or see her unless he was present. He created an incredibly strained relationship between Angela and all the family.

“This was particularly upsetting for me as I had always been close to her and she seemed to be withdrawing from everyone.

“She told me that he was controlling everything that she was allowed to do, including what she bought, who she talked to, and who she was allowed to be.”

The jury heard that Poonam had received a text from Angela when on holiday, asking her sister to take care of her "boy" if anything were to happen to her.

“I was very scared and I didn’t understand what happened. I messaged her back but she completely shut me down and asked me to delete the text. After that she became more withdrawn," Poonam said.

Adding: “Later, she told me that he had hit her and her child. I asked her to contact police at that time but she was reluctant because she thought no one would believe her.”

According to her other elder sister, Pamta Mittal, Angela was a smart and talented woman, who could take her hand to anything. She was interested in psychology and criminology but was encouraged by her parents to go into IT.

Soon after her marriage to Mr Brand, the victim was forced to quit her job despite having two masters degrees. Poonam said: “This kept her working from home and isolated from everyone which is what he wanted.

“It got to the point where she couldn’t even buy a pint of milk without producing a receipt to prove what she bought.”

On November 29, 2018, Mittal gathered the courage to call Thames Valley Police where she outlined the abuse that she had suffered throughout the years.

“We felt the police would help her and that she would be able to make more informed decisions on what to do next,” explained Miss Mittal during the inquest.

Despite communications with both police and Wokingham Borough Council social services, over the course of December 2018, Angela was told it was fine to go back to her home.

Over the next two-weeks of the inquest, Reading Coroners Court will look at Angela's contact with Thames Valley Police (TVP) on November 29,  as well as her contact with the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the steps taken in response to support Angela.

The inquest will also look at Mr Brands contact with TVP on November 30, 2018, contact with Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) children services on November 20, 2018, and December 3, 2018, and the response of WBC children services to information received on December 12, 2018, that Angela was considering returning to her home.

The inquest continues.