A beloved teacher from a local primary school is due to retire soon after a lengthy career. 

Shan Holland, who is known lovingly by all who worked with her as Ms Holland, will leave Whitley Park Primary School after 34 years teaching. 

SENCO assistant Lisa Smith spoke to The Chronicle about Ms Holland leaving the school and expressed how many lives she has touched over the years. 

"After 34 years of working in one place, over the years the impact she has had on parents as well as children has been incredible. She is so very liked by everyone," Ms Smith said. 

"She's had a huge huge impact. The children absolutely idolise her! Wherever she walks in the school she is well known by them all, especially the year six currently."

Ms Smith said that Ms Holland has done so much for the school, in particular she was always in charge of the year one's seaside trip. 

In a hilarious turn of events, Ms Holland had been reluctant to take the children this year as she knew it was the last time she would be taking them and didn't want to jinx it, nothing having gone wrong in the past. 

"She said what if something happens on my last trip but we convinced her to go," Ms Smith said.

"I said she would be absolutely fine, the kids go to Sandbanks each year. However, we got to the first service station and the coach broke down so we didn't actually make it to the beach that day!"

It is now a running joke between the teachers that Ms Holland jinxed the bus breaking down. 

"She is an amazing teacher, incredibly nurturing with all the pupils," Ms Smith continued. "It has always been the early years that are her passion."

Ms Holland will be retiring from Whitley Park Primary School after 34 years teaching because she has dedicated so much of her life to children and other families and now feels as though she wants to have time for herself. 

"She wants to start to enjoy her life while she can now. She's obviously a very fit and healthy woman but after a lengthy career as a primary school teacher she deserves a bit of me time," Ms Smith said. 

"She's just going off to enjoy a bit of her time now I think which is well deserved, she's going to claim a bit of her time back!"