Shocked residents on a residential street in Tilehurst have voiced their outrage after a multi-vehicle crash in the early hours.

The incident occurred at around 4:20am on Monday, July 22 when a BMW came speeding down Brunswick Street.

One unfortunate resident, whose car was damaged in the crash said that neighbours thought that an explosion had happened.

Craig Bukland, 44, explained: “It was chaos. We were all woken up to an almighty bang and I was able to watch it from my window.

“It’s ridiculous how fast the car was going. Luckily it stayed on the road after hitting the cars but it could have been so much worse. The car could have spun out of control and into one of the houses.”

The residential street consists of both terrace houses on either side and a block of flats.

During the incident, CCTV footage shows the BMW car travelling at breakneck speeds past The Forester Arms pub where it ping-ponged off several cars before coming to a drastic stop.

Around seven cars were damaged in the incident.

Soon after the crash, the four passengers and the driver exited the car and ran away. The driver was seen making a call and checking the damage caused by the collisions.

Police and fire and rescue services attended the scene where they recovered the car and provided the victims with support and advice.

Bukland added: “I was honestly afraid that the car was going to go up in flames so I had to close my bedroom window.

“We all just hope that the car wasn’t stolen because if it is we won’t be able to claim to get our cars fixed and that would be a nightmare."

According to residents, an appeal to install speed bumps on the road has been raised to stop drivers from speeding on the narrow street.

Thames Valley Police have failed to comment on the recent road traffic accident after attending the scene in the early hours of the morning.

The Chronicle have contacted the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service.