Violent scenes erupted on Eddleston Way in Tilehurst, as a group fighting with knives disrupted the peace.

Emergency services swarmed the area around 7.45pm on Tuesday following reports of the chaos.

Two perpetrators have been arrested and are currently in police custody.

Thankfully, it isn't believed that anyone suffered significant injuries.

A shopkeeper from the local Spar convenience store voiced her horror at the situation, saying: "Although I wasn't working last night, I heard it was terrible. The place was surrounded by police."

In response to consistent reports of crime, Spar has hired security throughout the day and into the night until 9:30pm.

Fustuh, the security guard working at the shop during the day, offered an insight into the neighbourhood.

He said: "It’s a very rough area. There hasn’t been knife crime for a while but the area is very popular for drugs which is why I have been employed.

"During the day isn't too bad because there is a school nearby but in the evening all the bad people come out."

Local residents echo these sentiments, citing numerous acts of disturbing behaviour.

A local grandfather expressed his concerns, stating: "This street is a hot bed for anti-social behaviour.

"It’s a 20 mph road but we constantly get cars and scramble bikes speeding around the area causing trouble.

"The drug dealers come around about eight o’clock and they don’t care."

In the aftermath of the incident, Inspector Elliot Male revealed that a Section 60 order has been imposed for 24 hours.

He said: "This was a concerning incident, and as a result, we have taken the decision to put a Section 60 order in place.

"This means that our officers will have increased powers to carry out stop and search checks."

Inspector Male continued: "Because of this, people will see more officers in the area – please try not to be concerned by this.

"They are there to carry out an investigation and they will do their best to answer any questions or concerns you might have, so feel free to approach them."

He concluded the statement urging witnesses to reach out with information about the altercation as soon as possible.

Despite their reassurance, officers were not present during the morning following the incident.