A couple have said they and fellow neighbours are suffering due to ongoing construction works on council houses in Reading.

As part of its housebuilding project, Reading Borough Council has had construction workers build 46 new homes in Wensley Road, Coley since the summer of 2021.

Neighbours have complained about ‘parking chaos’ grass verges being ‘turned into mudbaths’ and what they call a mess on the site.

The couple, Paul and Suzanna Krykant, have also provided photo evidence of a construction vehicle driving without a licence plate.

Mr Krykant said: “The project was supposed to take 18 to 24 months to complete (by March 2023 at the very latest), the timings being set at the height of covid so they can’t use that as an excuse.

“However, we are now into the 4th year, the 4th summer ruined by the noise, dirt and disruption this out-of-control project has brought us.”

A construction vehicle which Paul Krykant claims was being driven on the public highway without a licence plate.A construction vehicle which Paul Krykant claims was being driven on the public highway without a licence plate. (Image: Paul and Suzanna Krykant)

The couple and other neighbours opposed the project when it first surfaced in 2019.

Mr Krykant said: “In hindsight the issues raised pre-approval have all been proven right but even we didn’t expect the level of disruption and chaos this development has caused, this along with the sheer arrogance of the council when responding to any complaints has made life intolerable.

“I’m sure the council will say they take all complaints seriously.”

The couple have lived in Wensley Road for 39 years.

Evidence provided shows construction rubble and a full skip which has been left by the build contractors.

Paul and Suzanna Krykant have accused workers of leaving a mess on the development site for new council homes in Wensley Road, Coley.Paul and Suzanna Krykant have accused workers of leaving a mess on the development site for new council homes in Wensley Road, Coley. (Image: Paul and Suzanna Krykant)

Mr Krykant also accused the council of appointing ‘little more than corporate level cowboy builders’ for the construction.

For its part, the council has argued the development will provide much-needed affordable housing, with first priority for those living in the area, and neighbourhood benefits to all residents, which include an improved central amenity space, a new play park, and new roads and parking areas for neighbours.

Paul and Suzanna Krykant aclaim the parking problems in Wensley Road, Coley have created 'mudbaths' out of the grass verges.Paul and Suzanna Krykant aclaim the parking problems in Wensley Road, Coley have created 'mudbaths' out of the grass verges. (Image: Paul and Suzanna Krykant)

Addressing project delays, the spokesperson said: “The project has not been without challenges, including delays with utility connections, and we have unfortunately seen completion dates for the new homes pushed back to later in the year as a result.

“We continue to keep residents up to date with regular newsletters, drop in sessions and community events.

“We appreciate that this has been a difficult time for local residents and would like to reassure you that the team is doing all it can to move things forward.

“We are proactively working with our contractor to manage site issues as they arise and are committed to completing the project as soon as possible.”

The area is set for even more work as the council embarks on improvements to the apartment blocks in the estate.

The spokesperson said: “Phase 2 of the Wensley Estate Improvement Project will see further investment in the three towers, including new windows, improved entrances, drying rooms and cycle stores.

“This is expected to start on site later this year.”

The council appointed Glenman Construction as the build contractors.