Dear Editor,

I recently saw a couple and their two infant children cowering in fear as a modified BMW vehicle roared past while the young man behind the wheel laughed with glee - he then paused the car and revved in order to produce 'gun shot' style back-firing. By the time this road-thug had left the children were in tears. 

It was a sickening thing to witness and I sought to find out what action could be taken to prevent this from happening. As many readers will no doubt have experienced there appears to be a significant increase in noisy cars but I myself have seen no action from the police on this. It feels like intentionally aggressive boy-racers are being allowed to rule over Reading's roads. 

I note that Thames Valley Police have recently unveiled a blue print for community policing. Surely enforcing the 72 decibel exhaust sound limit while clamping down on firms offering illegal modifications needs to be a part of that?

Cars already dominate this town's road system - how much longer do we have to tolerate them bursting our eardrums at the same time?

Sam Wild via email 

  • Have you noticed anti-social drivers in Reading? How does it make you feel as a resident? Leave your comments below or email news@readingchronicle