A drug addict who burgled a retirement complex and stole two mobility scooter chargers has been jailed for 28 months.

Luke Pearson had broke into St Stephen’s Court in Reading as a trespasser by way of an insecure fire exit on October 20 last year, a court heard.

The 30-year-old and another man had then removed a television from the wall and taken some chargers to mobility scooters.

Jonathan Sank, prosecuting at Reading Crown Court, told how the defendant had later been seen by a police community support officer carrying two Amazon parcels which had the name Victor Wu on them.

It turned out Pearson had entered the lobby of the victim's home on March 6 this year and taken the parcels, which were later returned to their owner.

Pearson had later shoplifted from three different Waitrose stores, beginning on March 12 when he stole three bottles of alcohol worth £109 from the store in Thatcham.

On April 22, he stole washing tablets from the Waitrose on Oxford Road in Reading and then on April 25 he stole washing products from the Waitrose in Caversham, the court heard.

The court heard Pearson had committed two previous burglaries, one in 2009 then he was just 15-years-old. 

Caroline Stewart, defending, said Pearson accepted he knew he was burgling a care home. The lawyer added Pearson had entered care aged just 14 and was alienated from his family relationships.

Ms Stewart said Pearson had some “trauma with his childhood” and underlying issues that had never been addressed.

District Judge Joanna Matson, sentencing, commented: “Shop lifting has an impact on all of us. We all pay higher prices.

“You also had an impact on the two elderly residents whose mobility chargers you too. It did have impact on them because they rely on those chargers. 

“They were not able to do what they wanted to do for a few days because you had taken their chargers and they had to wait for new ones to come.”

Judge Matson sentenced Pearson to 28 months imprisonment and ordered him to pay compensation to Waitrose of £100.

St Stephen's Court in Reading is a retirement complex for elderly people who have access to emergency care.  

It is based less than a quarter of a mile away from Cemetery Junction and is a short walk from local shops and amenities.