Thames Valley Police has warned of ‘misleading comments circulating online’ as violent demonstrations continue across the UK.

The force said it would provide a “swift and robust response” to any incidents of disorder in the region but urged locals to “think twice about what you read, share and believe from online sources”.

In the message to communities across the Thames Valley, Assistant Chief Constable Blunt said he recognised that the “disorder seen across the country” is a widespread “cause of concern”.

However, he said officers have “well-rehearsed plans in place to deal with any issues that may arise” and are determined to “hold those who choose to cause harm to our communities accountable for their actions”.

He also said the force was monitoring rumours about upcoming disorder online to spot misinformation as well as maintaining an on-the-ground presence across communities.

Adding: “Please be reassured that our neighbourhood officers are continuing to patrol local communities, so if you have any concerns, or if you see them out and about, please do speak with them.

 “We know our communities don’t want disorder on their doorstep – no one should be fearful to leave the house, go to a place of worship or live in a given area. You have our full support and that of our partners.

“If you see or hear anything suspicious, please contact us by making a report online, or if this isn't possible, calling 101 or 999 in an emergency.”

Matthew Barber, Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley, also described the “violent disorder” seen in the past week as “deeply concerning”.

He said: “Thames Valley is one of the largest police forces in the country and I am proud that officers locally have been supporting colleagues across the country to maintain order.

“This important sharing of resources between police forces has been described as a 'standing army' but we need to recognise that these officers are being drawn from other duties. We all want the police to continue to drive down crime in our communities, yet this continued disturbance inevitably impacts day-to-day policing.

“We are used to seeing protests in Thames Valley and as always these are well managed by the police. Over the last week or so we have seen only a handful of peaceful protests and whilst we will all be concerned about scenes elsewhere; I hope we will see continued calm on our streets locally.

“I am hugely grateful to the officers who have supported other police forces and have had to face violence in dealing with this clear criminality. I know the men and women of Thames Valley Police will continue to address any threats with bravery and impartiality.

“Thames Valley Police have a proven record of managing protest fairly and tackling disorder. I am confident that the Force will continue to police without fear or favour. Violence and disorder will not be tolerated whoever is responsible.”