Photographs show Reading town centre quiet and largely deserted this evening following reports on social media of a protest.

Thames Valley Police has been on alert for potential demonstrations in the town.

Posts circulating on social media and in WhatsApp groups claimed protesters should meet at 7pm at Forbury Gardens. It came after a separate post on X claimed demonstrators were meeting in Reading at 2pm. 

Both demonstrations failed to gather any support, with photographs taken at the scene showing the places deserted or carrying on as usual. 

Thames Valley Police issued advice to businesses earlier in the day about the potential threat of unrest, with some shops and traders closing early for the day.  

It came after ‘racist posts’ were spread online inciting violence against places of worship in the town centre.

The police had warned the public not to spread these posts to others. 

Among the businesses to close was Reading Refugee Support Group who sent staff home early. In other parts of the UK refugee support centres and hotels housing those seeking asylum have been targeted by racist groups inciting violence. 

CEO Nick Harborne said the concerns have prompted a huge outpouring of support for the group's work. 

He said: "So many people are sending messages of support. Some people have made significant donations to us, saying they want to support our work at this moment. 

"Today someone gave £1,000. That's a huge amount from an individual."

A mosque in Reading has brought in a security team and cancelled children's activity sessions.