Neighbours angry about dust, noise and 'parking chaos' at a building site in Reading have threatened to stop paying council tax.

Reading Borough Council (RBC) has been engaged in a project to build 46 affordable homes at the Wensley Road loop in Coley Park for years.

Paul and Suzanna Krykant, who have lived in Wensley Road for many years, have raised a number of issues surrounding the nearby building site. Pictures of the site show 'mess' left by construction workers and grass verges in the area being turned into 'mud baths' as drivers say its a struggle to park.

In response, a RBC spokesperson acknowledged that the construction project has faced delays and challenges.

READ MORE: Neighbours 'suffering' due to 'mess' at council housing construction site  

Mr Krykant has claimed that controls imposed on the build when it was approved in August 2020 have not been followed. He said: "The council response did not address any of the issues raised about the seriously overrunning works, the noise, dirt, and general disruption including parking chaos.

A couple in Coley have blamed parking chaos in the Wensley Road loop on a council housing development.A couple in Coley have blamed parking chaos in the Wensley Road loop on a council housing development. (Image: Paul and Suzanna Krykant)

"The planning permission set many requirements to mitigate noise and dust as well as to maintain existing parking provision and for the developers to provide on-site parking for the site workers.

"Almost every condition set in the planning permission has been breached and various complaints to the council have not resulted in compliance or even token gesture compliance.

"Despite the damage, disruption and chaos caused, the council have done nothing and they've not even had the decency to apologise to the residents but instead send out occasional updates telling us how well things are going.

"With our new government's ambitious building plans I shudder to think of what's in store for the nation if this experience is anything to go by."

Paul and Suzanna Krykant have accused workers of leaving a mess on the development site for new council homes in Wensley Road, Coley.Paul and Suzanna Krykant have accused workers of leaving a mess on the development site for new council homes in Wensley Road, Coley. (Image: Paul and Suzanna Krykant)

The Krykant's and other neighbours are now threatening to stop paying their council tax.

Mr Krykant said: "We, along with other residents are considering withholding our council tax payments in protest of the mental health damage that the council have inflicted on our lives.

"When we end up in court we will make our case."

In response, a council spokesperson replied that the site is regularly visited and the build contractors Glenman Construction are monitored to ensure rules are being followed.

The spokesperson said: "There are 40 planning conditions relating to the Wensley Road development, the majority of which have already been approved or are advisory items.

"We are in regular communication with the contractor to investigate and resolve any reported breaches of planning conditions, including any issues arising from the fortnightly health and safety site inspections.

"Our planning enforcement department have also been asked to attend the site to ensure they are satisfied.

"We are aware that the project has been challenging for residents, and apologise that there have been delays."

The spokesperson added: "Over 120 registrations for the 46 new properties have already been received from households currently living in the three blocks, and we expect residents to start moving in later this year."