Residents at Sonning Gardens Care Home got a special treat this morning when a troop of performers from Gifford Circus came to meet them. 

The group was invited to celebrate a woman named Edna Wall who turned 101 earlier this year. When she was just 16 years old she was part of an acrobatic group that toured the UK. 

The performance started with an introduction from the hilarious Tyler West, or Cuthbert the court jester, who greeted Mrs Wall and all the other residents. 

We then saw a spectacular display of hula-hooping from an esteemed member of the cohort before marveling at the incredible acrobatic skills of The Godfathers, who came all the way from Ukraine. 

"I really enjoyed the show," said Mrs Wall. "It took me right back to the days when I used to perform in the acrobatic cohort. I used to be that girl right at the top."

Mrs Wall performed with the acrobatic group, known as The Four Kremlins, for two years when she was 16 just before the Second World War broke out. 

Watching with the rest of the residents from Sonning Gardens Care Home Mrs Walls looked radiant today in her light blue outfit with her pearl necklace. 

General Manager Susan Johnstone said that she and the other staff at the home were thrilled to see Mrs Wall have such a wonderful time watching Giffords perform. 

"I thought the show was just wonderful this morning, and Edna did really enjoy it she is just so humble. She kept exclaiming that she was nothing special and why this had been done for her. She had a really great time," Ms Johnstone said. 

"She was like why all this fuss over me? The queen could not be more humble!"

Ms Johnstone had previously seen Giffords Circus perform near her home and had thoroughly enjoyed the show. 

When she watched the acrobats wow the crowd with their spectacular stunts, she thought about the photograph of Mrs Walls with her troop and decided to invite The Godfathers to the care home. 

"I thought it would be great for her to see people doing the things that she used to do," she said. "I thought it would bring back some lovely memories for her!

"I thought the show was amazing|! The band and the costumes just made it a really colourful spectacle in the sunshine which is just lovely for the residents to watch."