The Department of Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Reading has seen nine of its undergraduate programmes recognised with accreditations.

Bachelor of Science degrees in Geography (Human), Geography (Physical), and Geography (Human & Physical), each of which is also available in Professional Experience and Study Year Abroad options, have been accredited by the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG).

The accreditation signals that these programmes meet the high standards set out in the 2022 QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Geography.

Rob Francis, chair of the accreditation review panel, said: "It is fantastic that another group of geography programmes have been accredited by the Society.

"One of the great things about reviewing applications is learning about the great initiatives taking place in geography departments across the country."

Stuart Black, head of the University of Reading School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science, said: "It is fantastic news that our excellent programmes have been recognised by the RGS-IBG through this accreditation and it shows the hard work and professionalism of all the staff in the department."

The University of Reading is among ten fellow UK higher education institutions to have been accredited in this round.

More information about the accredited geography programmes at the University of Reading is available at