Office buildings at a Berkshire village farm could remain despite them never being authorised by the local planning authority.

The investment company that owns Pitchkettle Farm in Grazweley Green is set for a planning battle with West Berkshire Council over the installation of two modular buildings.

The buildings contain office and breakout space for Associated Industrial Control Solutions (AICS), an electrical engineering company of around 11 employees.

Dilapidated buildings at Pitchkettle Farm were demolished to make way for the new structures.

The offices were installed without the consent of West Berkshire Council's planning department in 2021.

Buildings that were demolished in 2021 at Pitchkettle Farm in Grazeley GreenBuildings that were demolished in 2021 at Pitchkettle Farm in Grazeley Green (Image: Pegasus Group)

An application to establish lawful use of the modular buildings was refused by the council's planning department in March last year.

The refusal report states: "The site is poorly located and does not appear to have sufficient supporting infrastructure or opportunities for employees to reach the site by public transport, cycling and walking.

"The proposal would lead to intensification of employment generating uses which are not compatible with rural location."

Pitchkettle Investments, which owns the farm, submitted an appeal against the decision to the government's planning inspectorate earlier this year.

Pegasus Group, the planning agents for the company, have argued the council's policies are 'inconsistent' and the number of employees will be limited to 11 to address concerns about intensified use of the site.

An appeal hearing will take place at the council's offices in Market Street, Newbury at 10am on Tuesday, October 8.

You can view the application documents by typing reference 21/02710/FUL into the council's planning portal,