A community art installation celebrating what binds the community together has been put on display in Earley.

The 'Earley one square at a time' piece is an artistic celebration of the area in a patchwork quilt devised by artist Liz Kerry.

The patchwork features the birds of the area, patches representing Sol Joel Park and the Earley Risers Model Club and more.

The quilt has been exhibited at St Nicolas Church community centre in Sutcliffe Avenue, and was raised into its final position on Saturday, September 7.

The installation of the art piece was attended by Yuan Yang, the Labour MP for Earley and Woodley, councillor Mike Smith (Liberal Democrats, Redhatch) the mayor of Earley, and cllr Adrian Mather (Liberal Democrats, Evendons), the mayor of Wokingham Borough.

READ MORE: Members of the community in Earley create beautiful patchwork quilt

Ms Yang said: "Everything starts with an idea - the idea that we can do something different, do something new."

She also remarked that "Earley is at the heart of this patchwork, rather than in the corner of another."

The quilt was created with the input of the wider community in sessions held at the Art Space in the St Nicolas Community Centre.

It is made up of 100 square applique patches that show a window into the individual stories of people who live in the area.

One square of the patchwork shows Earley's resident parakeets- a group not originally born in the area, but that have made Earley their home nonetheless.

Ms Yang likened Earley's parakeets to her family, who decided to settle in the area when she was young.

She said: "It's this patchwork of community that makes us so vibrant."

Yuan Yang the Labour MP for Earley and Woodley speaks at the Earley - One Square At A Time exhibition at St Nicolas Church in Earley.Yuan Yang the Labour MP for Earley and Woodley speaks at the Earley - One Square At A Time exhibition at St Nicolas Church in Earley. (Image: Office of Yuan Yang MP)

The patchwork was on display for a week before being hung up during the event on Saturday, and will remain at the community centre for at least a year.

It was a busy weekend for Ms Yang, who also held her first constituency surgery at Whitley Community Development Association (CDA) cafe in Northumberland Avenue.

The event was well attended, with Ms Yang discussing plans to hold a series of rotating surgeries in locations across the constituency, in order to ensure access for everyone.

Yuan Yang the Labour MP for Woodley and Earley, speaks with a constituent at the Whitley Community Development Association in Northumberland Avenue in her first surgery as an MP.Yuan Yang the Labour MP for Woodley and Earley, speaks with a constituent at the Whitley Community Development Association in Northumberland Avenue in her first surgery as an MP. (Image: Office of Yuan Yang MP)

According to her team, one constituent remarked: "It's the first time in a long while that an MP has held a surgery in Whitley."

Alongside Ms Yang and her team, constituents were offered support from Age UK Reading and Citizens Advice Reading, and Whitley and Church borough councillors.

Ms Yang's next surgery will be in Shinfield. For more information on upcoming events and Yuan's work in the constituency, you can sign up to her newsletter.