Two men from Reading have been imprisoned for being part of a crack cocaine drug supply line named "Frank" operating across the town. 

Aleksei Mutovkin, aged 20, of Staverton Road, Reading, was sentenced to four years and six months to prison, while Reimone Rose, aged 21, of Court Stanhope Road, Reading, will serve a prison term of three years and six months.

It follows both men pleading guilty to multiple offences relating to the supply of class A drugs, including heroin and cocaine. 

The charged related to offences being run by a county drugs line, known as ‘Frank’ in Reading between February, 1 2023, and October, 12 2023.

In the early hours of October 12 , two drugs warrants were simultaneously carried out against properties in Stanhope Road and Staverton Road.

At Stanhope Road, police uncovered mobile phones, two digital scales, and ten wraps of crack cocaine and two wraps of heroin, as well as a further five grams of cocaine.

A small amount of cash was also located in a safe.

In the second warrant carried out against a property in Staverton Road, Mutovkin was arrested and seal bags containing two bags of white wraps, totaling 76 wraps of crack cocaine along with another seal bag containing 11 further wraps of crack cocaine were seized.

More than £1,300 in cash seized, along with an iPhone and a Nokia phone, both of which were identified as being used in the county lines gang.

Rose was later arrested - and three phones were seen to be thrown from a window.

Messages were found on a Nokia phone relating to the supply of cocaine, along with a further £40 and the Sur Ron electric bike.

Investigating officer PC Thomas Kennedy, based at Reading police station, said: “We will continue to proactively target, pursue and prosecute offenders and our activity will be both visible and covert.

“We will never tolerate drug dealing in our communities, which often harm the most vulnerable people in our societies.

“The information provided by the public around drug supply offences in Reading plays a vital role in developing intelligence into a proactive investigation.

“I would urge anybody who has information to report it to Thames Valley Police by calling 101, or making report online via our website.”

As well as the custodial sentence, an order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and phones. An order was also made for the forfeiture of more than £3,600 in cash, clothing and a Sur Ron electric bike.