Woodley Town Council is spending thousands on food and drink suppliers each month, figures show.

A financial document shows that the council paid £1,528.99 to a company that sells vending machine treats such as drinks and sweets in just one month.

The vending machine supplies are provided by Brake Bros food service, which was paid the total figure in five transactions in June alone.

The payments have been explained by the clerk of Woodley Town Council, who argued that running vending machines provides refreshment for residents while giving the council additional income.

Kevin Murray, the town clerk said: "Vending supplies payments to Brake Bros Foodservice Ltd are for ice creams, sweets and soft drinks which are then sold at Woodford Park Leisure Centre.

"The council has provided refreshments and ice-creams at the leisure centre for many years and this provides an additional income stream to support the services provided to residents."

READ MORE: 'Highly successful' Woodley café opens third new venue

Separately, Berkshire cafe the Brown Bag was paid a total £820.97 in June.

Payments were made in two transactions, with £441.89 on June 20 and £379.08 on June 25.

Explaining these transactions, Mr Murray said: "The payment to Brown Bag relates to catering (tea/coffee & lunches) provided by them for business or social bookings in the Oakwood Centre.

"The Town Council invoices the customer for the catering as part of the total booking charge, and Brown Bag would then invoice the council for the catering element.

"Catering income through the contract with Brown Bag relates to the monthly charge made by the council for the catering concession (coffee shop and catering) at the Oakwood Centre.

"This amount varies month on month depending on the amount of catering booked by hirers in the centre and the turnover over the coffee shop during that month."

Although the aim of paying these food suppliers is to make a profit and provide a service to public centre users, recent records show that the council is earning less than expected for catering provision.

From April to July, the council earned £4,666 from providing catering at the Oakwood Centre. The council's budget target was to earn £5,250, over the period making a  £584 shortfall.

The figures come from a document prepared for the town council's strategy & resources committee on Tuesday, September 10.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Murray said: "It was a sluggish June and July for the centre."

Members of the committee noted the payments made and the financial performance of the Oakwood Centre, and the fact that there has recently change of operator at the cafe in the centre.

The cafe has been run for many years by the Berkshire business Brown Bag, which chose to vacate, with the cafe being taken over by Crumbs cafe, bakery and cocktails on Saturday, September 7.