A couple in Newbury decided to open up their very own sweet business which subsequently gained thousands of views on TikTok. 

Kerrie Butler, 38, and Anthony Anderson, 37, both decided to start their confectionary business A Sweet Adventure due to their lifelong love of sweets. 

"We run an open TikTok studio from a unit," Mr Anderson said. "We do all sorts. A massive range of traditional but also the trending stuff too."

The sweets on offer include the incredibly popular freeze-dried sweets that are currently going wild on the social media platform TikTok. 

They also mentioned a surge in popularity for marshmallows and exclaimed that it often changes weekly what people want to see or try. 

Ms Butler also works as a schoolteacher and has always wanted a sweet shop, whereas Mr Anderson expressed that he has always loved eating sweets. 

"I always wanted either a sweet shop or an old-fashioned post office," she said. "Ant just gave me the money for the sweet shop and told me to just set it up.

"I just looked at people doing sweets on TikTok and just thought I'm sure I could do this. We started on a very small budget and then it just snowballed, to say the least."

The couple originally were just serving the sweets to friends and family but then they quickly started to gather momentum on TikTok. One of their more popular videos has over 2,500 views. 

The pair also give a lot of support to charities and attend events promoting their sweet shop. 

"We really started from nothing and all the money that we gain from the business goes back into the business. It really pays for itself now," Mr Anderson said. 

They've now got a very busy schedule selling sweets to people all across Berkshire and beyond. The pair recently attended a cancer charity event also. 

"For us supporting charities that are close to our hearts is just so important with regards to the business," Ms Butler said. 

The couple donates a portion of sweets to raffles and fundraisers held by a whole host of charities and then pays a fee or percentage of their takings towards their fund. 

"We also promote them as in we will put them on all of our social media platforms," Ms Butler said. "Even in our community, we try to get everyone to come along to the event or support by buying raffle tickets."