A Shinfield care home resident celebrated her 100th birthday among friends and family from across the globe.

Peggy Eustace, who recently moved to Parsons Grange Care Home, has lived in her home in Tilehurst for over 70 years.

Alongside daughter Mary-Ann, the party was attended by her son Alan and family who came especially from Australia to celebrate with her on August 31.

The care home hosted the party and helped the family put on a very special celebration, which was enjoyed by all.

Mary Ann said: “It was such a good day and my Mum enjoyed it with the family and with her friends who she invited for the care home.

“Peggy was originally born in Shinfield and she worked in the land army before starting at the Reading Evening Post."

The Reading woman who celebrated the milestone has been described as bubbly, full of life and very active over her 100 years.

According to her daughter, Ms Jackson, Peggy was incredibly independent following her husband's death around 30 years ago. She has lived independently in Tilehurst until a few months ago when she moved to Parsons Grange Care Home.

The family expressed their excitement that her son Alan was able to join them from Australia.

Her daughter added: "It was such a lovely day, and she loved it. We all had a great time celebrating her birthday.

"Parson Grange Care Home made sure all the decorations were up and she invited her friends from the home along to celebrate with the family.

As a right of passage for anyone celebrating their 100th birthday, Peggy received a card and letter from the King and Queen, which she opened during the event.