The famed ‘Beast of Berkshire’ has been a myth that has circulated across Berkshire throughout the years with many eye-witnesses having reported a sighting of a majestic cat roaming both towns and countryside.

From a large black cat to a small leopard with hyena-like colours, there have been many descriptions.

Although it is thought that this is one animal, experts believe that this may be separate big cats that have escaped when kept as pets or simply mistaken objects due to poor visibility.

Throughout the years, many witnesses have come forward to report these sightings.

One woman contacted this newspaper after she saw a large animal crossing the road on her journey from Chapel Row to Upper Basildon on Saturday, January 27, 2024.

At approximately 9:30am she was driving along Ashampstead Road on a section with trees on both sides when she claims to have seen a "large black cat" crossing "about fifteen feet ahead".

She said: "I can only describe it as bounding – but very slow bounding. 

"It was definitely not a domestic cat as it was at least three times bigger than any cat I’ve ever seen – jet black all over.

"I didn’t get a chance to look in any detail but the only difference I noticed was that the tail looked fatter than a cat tail."

She added: "I’m a 75 year old woman and not given to fantasising so I assure you this was something other than a domestic cat."

William Keeble

William Keeble got in touch saying he has seen the large black cat "many times" but has not seen it for a few years.

"I grew up on a farm on a large country estate on the Hampshire/Berkshire border and my Father was the farmer there for many years," William said.

"We have both seen the animal in question. On more than one occasion I have been less than two metres away, on another occasion I was walking my dog through the estate and when we entered a field we came face to face with it and my dog gave chase."

Trevor North also reported seeing the animal in Chiveley on a dirt byway.

He said: "About 50 yards in there was a Puma-type cat chasing a bunch of deer. The noise of my truck disturbed the cat from chasing the deer.

"The cat casually walked away from us towards the tree line whilst keeping looking back at us.

"It was beige in colour and had a long tail. I don’t know whether it was a puma or not but it was a big cat that was going to take a deer down.

"I had a friend that knew the farmer out that way and said he’s spotted it also this was about five years ago."

Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Reading, Dr Manuela González-Suárez said: "It is possible that somebody had a big cat as a pet and that that animal might have escaped.

"I can imagine that such an animal would not last very long in this environment."

She added: "It is possible that due to visibility being reduced animals and shapes could appear different.

"I don't think an animal could last on its own without being clearly identified and tracked down in an area like Berkshire for very long."

However, if there is a "big cat" out there and you happen to come across it, it is important to slowly back away and find shelter, whether in a vehicle or building - then notify the police.

Have you seen the 'Beast of Berkshire'? We'd like to hear your stories. Send any sightings to